Golden Theater GTX-1 Who has experience

HI, I'm interested in this Pre/Pro but have no local dealer. What I've seen at the website, although limited, looks pretty good. So I ask you all, what do you think?
You should read the AudioReview posting of this preamp. There are 27 reviews, averaging 3.93 out of 5. I would agree with much of the reviews, if you can get is set up, don't mind the swiching between and a reset on the back, it does sound VERY nice. I have compared it to the Lexicon and McIntosh. Good luck.
I was told about the GTX-1 from someone I sold speakers to just in talking about audio/video. He had the GTX-1 and I could not belieave the value for having the latest technology. I immediately searched for it used and bought it for $1400. Since I did not want to spend $5000 on the Krell HTS and to enjoy it now is a deal. It does sound great for the money but a little brightish at times, but otherwise very acurate. My only complaint would be only 1 sub out- some have stereo sub outs.
Hi This unit is a little dated now and I think there are severall other choices that may be better The Chiro C-802,Anthems new AVM2 (Sonic Frontier) at a little less price point Even a Sony TAES9000 or Sherwood NewCastle 9080<--- this is a great preamp for the $$ and offers a direct pass through.This is just my opinion so GTX owners I mean no offence Cheers RLA