Going from MM to MC

I have a linn table with an akito2 arm I just replaced the preamp with a rogue rp7 and bought a pro ject phono box DS3B phono preamp.  I am also going to get new phono cable from linn with the xlr ends on it. Right now I have an adikt on my table. I want to go to MC  to get better detail and seperation. I have been researching Cartridges and have narrowed it down to 3  the linn Krystal the lyra delso or the ortofon quintet S black. My Lin repair person is trying to get me to go  with the linn but I have herd the other 2 have better sound  any advice.where to go or even a different one all together  and why thank you Michael. 


Showing 3 responses by lewm

Chayro, I tend to think the OP is a big boy who must know that almost no question posed on this Forum ever elicits a single unanimous opinion from the peanut gallery. But I do agree that the myriad of responses, many of them to questions that were never asked, can be dismaying even to a disinterested casual reader of threads.

Crustycoot, since you own the phono stage, I trust you know what you’re talking about, but in reading the manual and scrutinizing the web, I fail to understand why you can’t use balanced mode for other than MC cartridges. Can you comment?

What Mijostyn said.

Also, there is no reason to think you must have an MC cartridge in order to realize your goals.  There are any number of MM and especially MI cartridges (e.g., Grado, Nagaoka, SoundSmith) in the same price range as the MCs you are considering (or cheaper) that would be an improvement over what you are now listening to.

Elliot, I hope and trust you have come through your medical ordeal and are now in good shape.  Glad to know it.