Experiences moving from high-power to lower-power system

Dear all,

For years I have been pursing a track of higher and higher power solid-state amplification with medium-to-low efficiency floorstanding speakers. I don't wish to start another tube vs. solid state thread. And we all know the benefits of more, often Class A, power: better headroom, transient response, imaging, soundstage, low-end control. Rather, I want to ask about the experiences of folks who have traded in higher-power for lower-power setups.  What were the tradeoffs? What got better? What got worse? Was it a question of fit with the space? Answers can be from folks with super-high-efficiency speakers and flea-watt amps, tube or solid state, or transitions to setups that are less extreme. 

Thank you,



Showing 2 responses by twoleftears

More than the amp, it depends on the speakers and the ability to drive them with a certain number of watts.

Years and years ago I had gotten myself down what turned out to be a cul-de-sac, with Muse model 175 monoblocks (the high current version) and Thiel 3.6's.  Audiophile approved, but I wasn't happy.  My local dealer got me to ditch them and moved to Cary CAD-301SE driving ProAc Response 2.5's.  So much more listenable.  That's an extreme example, but it's always horses for courses.