Esoteric's G-03x Master Clock Generator

Hi guys,

Anyone here by chance tried these on their esoteric cd player ?

is it worth paying $4,000 fr this device ?

What improvements can be brought about with this unit ?

Thinking of this for use with the X-03 SE in the future.

Does high quality BNC digital cable make an audible difference ?

Thanks for inputs.


Showing 1 response by kiwi_1282001

07-05-08: Bugman03
I purchased the G-ORb clock about a month ago to go with my Esoteric P5/D5. This clock makes a huge improvement in the clarity and musicality. This clock costs as much as the P5 and D5 and I am very pleased with it so for me it is worth the cost. I have never listened to the less expensive clock so I can't comment on it. If the clock has nothing to do with jitter then wny does it improve the quality of the sound so much?

Agreed. I have listened to the P5/D5 with and without the master clock generator. The performance increase with the clock is easy to perceive.