Early 1970's rock: Name some of your favorites

I've been listening to a local FM station a little more recently and have been enjoying some of the "flashbacks" that they've been playing. I'm primarily talking about stuff from Bowie, Roxy Music, Velvet Underground and yes, even the Stones, etc...

As such, i thought it would be neat to dredge up the past and ask some of you to contribute a "few" of your favourite albums from this time. This might also help others find some "gems" that may have been overlooked. Just remember, we're talking early to mid 1970's, not your favourite rock albums of all time. Sean

Showing 2 responses by marakanetz

This is the list of the MOST favourite bands/albums that I never get bored to listen and always come back to them many many times.
King Crimson -- LIZARD and ISLANDS; Frank Zappa -- HOT RATS; Can MONSTER MOVIE, FUTURE DAYS and TAGO MAGO; Van Der Graaf Generator GODBLUF; Gentle Giant -- INTERVIEW.