Dust Off compressed air to get dust off of vinyl records

I have a decent record cleaner but wanted to see if anyone ever uses the dust off type compressed air canisters to deal with dust instead of a record brush (when not doing full clean between playings).  Any downsides to using dust off ? I have a number off diff brushes but sometimes I think they add static and/or don't get all the dust (sometimes I think they might add a bit of crackly sound to relatively clean records - i also might be crazy 🤓)
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Showing 1 response by whart

I like the Giotto’s Rocket Blaster- a large bulb type air "puffer"- I shy away from ’canned air’ because of the accelerants. You can buy the Giotto’s product inexpensively (11 or 12 dollars US)- recommend the large one to get enough "oomph"--use it to remove surface lint.
I’m not a big fan of brushes for dry cleaning records.
I remember the Watt’s "Preener".
PS: the fact that you might be crazy doesn’t necessary mean you are wrong. :)