Dunlavy SC-IVa Set up help

I have been playing with various speaker placements for the last several months and just can't seem to get the speakers to sound right. The frequency response bouncing all over. When I get the midrange to sound good, the bass sounds weak. When the bass sounds good, the midrange is lacking. The room size is 12x21 with the speakers on the short wall. Seeting possition is about 17feet from the front wall. I have to use the short wall because the room is also used for HT. My pre amp is an aragon soundstage and my amp is a pass labs x350. CD Player is an Anthem CD-1

Anyone in North Jersey (Rockaway) care to give me a hand ? I will supply the beer and load the grill with dogs & burgers.


Showing 1 response by wberdan

I used to own SC-V's and had them in a room that was 16' x 26' with a 10' ceiling.
I could never get completely satisfying results out of them in that room. I ended up selling them and getting Vandersteens, actually. I always had better luck with placing absorbant material to the sides of the speakers, and not messing with the front wall too much. I think I usually placed them between 5 to 7 feet from the front wall, but I experimented with every single position, including on the long wall- and nothing ever sounded just right for me.
I came to the conclusion that the bigger Dunlavy speakers are really tempermental about where they are placed, and I would never go through that headache again.
Sorry I can't be of much help, but in a room your size it would seem you may have an even harder time getting them to open up.
