DTIPro 32 on the Blink

My DTIPro 32 is throwing tantrums. I'm getting input locked in, but after about 2 seconds of output I hear a click and lose it. (Mute circuit kicking in?) At that point it's locking up and won't do anything until I power it up again. Anybody know if this is a common problem, and/or have any suggestions? I've tried (unsuccessfully) to contact Duster V. re: repair. Time to move on? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by ghostrider45

For years I used mine via the (optional) ST input without problem. Last year I acquired a DDS-Pro and hooked it to the DTI Pro 32 via IIS. I powered up the DDS, then powered up the DTi. It locked up. I thought it was defective, but after experimentation I found that the DTI needed to power up before the DDS (this power-up order had never been an issue through the ST input).

I don't understand why this happened. I know it is a tempermental unit, though.

So have you changed input connections on your DTI lately? Does it get secondary lock before hanging? Can you try another power supply?
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