Does Time alignment and Phase coherency make for a better loudspeaker?

Some designers strive for phase and time coherency.  Will it improve sound quality?


Showing 5 responses by wolf_garcia

Ever hear a group of unamplified musicians playing spread apart on a stage...anywhere? No phase or time allignment occurs. Hmmm...

I phase and time align every concert venue I mix (hundreds overe decades) , and my home rig also. I never said phase and time don't matter, I simply was pointing out that live music with no sound reinforcement is never specifically adjusted for time and phase, and it still sounds great. Musicians hopefully play in sync and in tune, but not always perfectly and it can still like magic.

Little snarky there holmz...I was referring to the sound of multiple musicians playing the same music with space between them. I attend concerts I don’t mix, and ones I do mix I listen to unamplified sound from various areas during sound check including right in front of or on the stage. If you can’t understand my posts, why are you here?