Does preamp w/Power Supply need a good Power Cord?

Hi Everyone,

I pulled the trigger on a good SS preamp with an external power supply. Does the Power Supply cancel out the benefits of a decent power cord? Having never had a preamp with an external power supply, would this be a waste of money? I have a system that retails out at around $15,000, so I don't want to get in over my head and spend $1000 on a cord, but if a $200 cord will make an audible difference, then I would welcome the change.
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Thanks for the response. Got an Oyaide, wow! Sounds great across the spectrum: big upgrade in soundstaging, bass, and detail. Heading over to Tokyo in a couple of months, will probably bring back some goodies! They can be a had a bit cheaper over there, according to their Japanese web site. Thanks for the tips!
Obviously after spending a kilobuck you'd better hear some differences and besides, good contribution to help out with today's crisis situation as well.
Not knowing you situation, system, or gear being used... there are a few Tg Audio HSR-i gen2 cords on Agon now, that for the $$ can't be touched. Esp with Solid State gear... They will greatly improve your soundstage (focus, layering...) and PRaT. A good barometer from which to base improvement on if you move up the ladder to more expensive cords. Not afiliated in anyway with the seller - just a Tg Audio fan myself...

I have had a number of preamps with separate power supplies (Audible Illusions, Blue Circle, Joule Electra, Pass Labs) all have benifited from the Ac cable upgrades!
I good company to deal with is VH Audio..You can prety much have them built any flavor you want and at a reasonable price..Also easy to deal with..
Yes, it will make a difference. You can get an Oyaide cord for 2-3 hundred, I use them. Also use Siltech, Spirit Sound has some demos beginning at $60 for 1M. I didn't use them for years myself, but it can make a big difference.
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