Do you believe everything you read on the internet

I have been running across articles ranging in subjects: technical articles on DIY, on what makes a good cable, what makes a good speaker design, etc.

Problem is many of these articles seem to have erroneous, misleading, false, or downright decietful facts contained within them.

It seems like anyone with an opinion and access to a webpage builder can put out any kind of info they want.

Anyone ever experienced this? When was the first time that you realized not all the info you were coming across was accurate?

Showing 1 response by markphd

Viridian, we all know that Elvis is still alive. He just got tired of the Vegas rat race and wanted to return to his roots. So he staged his own death and now never ventures out of the deep south. He earns his living working at small bars impersonating himself. I hear he's pretty good at it.