Demagnetizing my cartridge? how? how much$$$?

I am considering the purchase of a MC cartridge,(ortofon x5) but have read that they require demagnetizing fairly often. I have been using a MM for years, should i have been doing this fro my MM as well? are MC cartridges more prone to this? if so, what is an economical unit to do the job? thanks-

Showing 1 response by xiekitchen

I bought 3 years ago a used Sumiko demagnetizer and used with my at that time aging MC benz 3i, I listened closely and the first time I used it, it brought a very small improvement to dynamics. After that, I used it maybe twice over a couple years and could then hear no difference at all. I am told by my dealer that it may be best not to use one at all, and not on new cartridges, only on old ones. I do not plan on using it again.