Dave Wilson's health

Just learned about this.  Hope we don't lose another brilliant high-end designer...

Dear Friends,
We at Wilson Audio are saddened to inform you that Dave Wilson recently discovered that he has a rare form of bone cancer. He had been seeking the source of some discomfort he’d been experiencing for some period of time. He and Sheryl Lee are working with the best physicians and medical professionals to determine his treatment options so they can identify the best course of action for Dave.

As Dave and Sheryl Lee travel this difficult road, they’ve asked their friends, if they wish, to remember Dave in their prayers. They also wanted to share their love and gratitude for all those who have supported Wilson Audio for the past several decades. They consider you all a part of their extended family.

If you have questions or would like to share a message with Dave and Sheryl Lee, please direct both by email to Pam Huffaker ([email protected]).

DAVID gets picked on a lot over the years, but no one is more respected and has always been 1st at setting the bar.  Whatever
it takes with the available materials and technology, there's David making an awesome, even jaw-dropping product.  Even when auditioning the original Watt-Puppy 3/2, I recall being fooled into feeling the singer was a just a few feet away.  That was a long time ago, and he was already making everyone wonder how it was done.
    That alone makes him stand out in my mind as a singularly talented and hard-working person.  I hope he can meet the challenges ahead with the same determination and never give up.

Scary stuff.  Had bone cancer in my lower left leg when I was 16.  Was beginning to feel pain as I stooped playing ball and the like.  A lump a couple of inches long began to appear and the pain was getting worse and worse.  Surgery to remove that part of the bone and a crappy summer where in order.  Was lucky we caught it in time.

Hoping for the best for Dave.
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