Corporate Interests out to KILL Analog FM

Michael Powell, FCC Chairman, is determined to make a few hands control what we hear. If you have any interest in true diversity of music (not 500 channels playing the same poll tested songs) and ability to hear diverse view points I encourage you to see, for example, as well as search for IBOC using your favorite search engine like . Nothing is more central to our hobby than how we become aware of new song writers and perfomers including the important vehicle called low production cost and, hence more options, Analog FM Radio.

Showing 2 responses by phild

Hey Basement...believe it or not, I live in Chicago and there is no local FM jazz station...none. Some of the PBS and college stations play jazz at night or weekends, but that's it.

I agree with Fatparrot...FM died here year's ago. I bet 90% of our stations are owned by four companies, and I bet 50-70% are owned by two. With the exception of a few college stations in their more tolerable hours, I don't bother listening to the radio for music and haven't for years. I find my music elsewhere.
Whoa nellie!!!

Now I feel pretty silly for thinking George Bush was a moron. He's really an evil genius in disguise!! I may actually have to vote for the guy next time around! :-)