Convert Flac to Wav - how to & HD space need?


Have all my CDs ripped to FLAC, and want to convert them to uncompressed WAV files.

I currently have 1100 CDs, using up 308 GBs(In FLAC).

Which software do you recommend to convert to WAV?
How much more space will I need on my HD?


Showing 2 responses by kenl

Cytocycle - Know of a program that will convert Apple lossless files to WAV? My friend is convinced that WAV sounds better than APLL. I go back and forth. If HD space isn't the limiting factor, I'm guessing WAV would be the way to go. Yes? No?

I've got 170 gigs of APLL files on my 500gig HD. I'd like to be able to batch convert them rather than one-at-a time.
