Contemplating vinyl, How hard is it to get LPs?

This may sound lame, but I've been "digital only" now
for 10 years. I was thinking about getting a Rega
Planar 3 and going back. So as stupid as it may
sound, I wanted to get a feeling for how hard it
would be to start an LP collection of 70s/80s

Rolling Stones, Van Halen, Journey, Don Henley,
Aerosmith, Boston.. These are the bands I would
be looking for. Are LPs readily Mail Orderable
and or is it a scavenger hunt kind of process?

How much do LPs cost these days? Are they pressing
new music on LP?


Showing 1 response by marakanetz

OK buddy, If you will come to NYC, there are a bunch of record stores that sell 70/80's as low as $3 per record with excellent+ condition.(That's why I do not sell records that I do not listen anymore in NYC)
If it's tough to get to NYC go to and e-mail your want-vinyl list and get the "bestest" prices on records.
They mostly have "underground" music on CDs but they have a bunch of classic rock/jazz on vinyls