Company loyalty- What has been your favorite?

Thinking about the many different companies, brands and

High end- Krell, Bryston, Ayre, etc
Popular- Pioneer Elite, Sony, Yamaha, Denon, Onkyo, etc
Smaller-(purists) Butler Audio, Odyssey, Red Wine, etc
Good reputation- Marantz, Sunfire, Arcam, McIntosh

Do you have a brand that you are loyal to? If so, please state why you are? Sound? Quality? Service? etc
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop
Thiel, and Ayre have really impressed me both with customer service and sound quality.
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Graham Engineering
Klyne Audio Arts
Audio Space
Herbie's Audio Labs
Benz Micro

A couple of Montreal dealers, including Son Ideal.
Arcadia Audio and Ovation Audio in the Toronto area.
Two Canadian distributors, Charisma Audio and Plurison.
UHF Magazine.

Another vote for ECM. Also Hyperion, Harmonia Mundi, Analekta and Atma.
Resolution Audio and Thiel. Both for sound quality and customer service. I bought my RA CD-50 on ebay and when I contacted RA about a problem I was having with the remote control Jeff Kalt sent me a new remote control along with a new EPROM chip to accommodate the remote. Guess what he charged? Nada!
Similar service from Thiel for used speakers.
ACI (Audio Concepts) speakers are always excellent and well supported. Great price/performance ratio.