Classe vs Levinson

Umm, I was just wondering if anyone has had a chance to compare the Classe 401 with a Levinson 336. My speakers are B&W 802N with a Levinson 380S pre-amp and a Sonic Frontiers CD. Is the Levinson really worth the extra 3 Grand, taking the law of diminishing returns into account?
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Showing 1 response by jp_60173

I too have B&W 802N speakers, my amplifier is a Levinson 335 and the combination is superb! I also have a Classe amp in a second system and while good, it is not in the same league as the Levinson. You may want to consider a 335 (250 watts) as this offers more than enough power for your speakers and sounds identical to the 336. Before the 335, I briefly had a 334 (125 watts), and for 95% of the time, even this was sufficient. Good luck.