Classe vs Levinson for B&W / Delta vs CT amps

My question is really two, but, as they're related, I thought maybe both could be covered in one thread.

I recently purchased a Mark Levinson 433 amp (yet to arrive) to drive my new B&W 802Di's. After I bought the Levinson, an experienced hifi guy and contributor to these forums mentioned to me that he believes the Levinson's to be a bad match with the B&Ws, that Classe, among others, is a much better match. If anybody else has any experience with pairing either or both of these amps with these speakers, I'd appreciate whatever you could share about it.

My other question concerns the Classe Delta and CT series amps. Has anyone been able to compare them? If anyone has heard them both and prefers one to other, or thinks there is no remarkable difference between them, I'd love to hear about that as well.

It's tough when there's no way to listen for yourself, so I'm grateful for any input I can get. Many thanks.
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Showing 1 response by buckdog

Thanks, all. I'm finding that, when it come to medium to hi-end audio, ignorance may be bliss. Had someone simply given me the system I described and said "You may listen to this, but you may never ever ask an opinion or read an article about it or it will be taken from you!" I would have listened to the end of my days, rapt in blissful ignorance. Ah, well. It is the way or the world that innocence must be lost and knowledge (one hopes) gained.

The latest thorn I encountered on the thorny path to knowledge is that B&Ws have "truly terrible phase behavior." Now, as my understanding of electronic engineering is bettered only slightly by my understanding of the atmosphere of Pluto (the planet, not the dog), this means almost nothing to me, but, like global warming and the expanding universe (two more things I know next to nothing about), it worries me. The Spectron Musician lll was suggested as possibly having sufficient power and musicality to compensate for this terrible behavior of the B&Ws. If anyone has experience with the Musician lll and its muscle, musical and compensatory powers relative to the above amps and to B&W speakers, I'd love (knowledge!) to learn about it.

Thanks, as always.