Classe ca-2100 vs ca-2300

I currently have a Classe ca-2100. I have been thinking of upgrading to a ca-2300 but I am not sure how much of an improvement, if any, I will obtain. Does anybody have any experience with the two?

Showing 3 responses by rflaugher

I thought I would add some more information in case it would help. I would be using the amp to drive a pair of Wilson Sophia IIIs. My main question is how do these amps differ sonically? I am making the assumption that the CA-2300 besides providing greater power offers better sound but I have no way to determine if that is true. So, I was hoping that someone has actually had the opportunity to have heard both.
Davt - Thanks for your response. Interestingly, you advised me to make the opposite decision you yourself made. I assume because of the my speakers.
I'll answer my own question in case someone else has this decision to make sometime. I traded up to the CA-2300 and boy am I happy I did. The CA-2100 is good amp that gave me hours of pleasure but the CA-2300 is just better in every respect.