Buy a CD now or wait new technology

I intend upgrading my CD or alternately going for a two box system, up from a meridian 206 to maybe Accuphase,Audiomeca or one or two others in that league.Should I make my move now or wait for the new technology?.If I buy now will I be faced with a substantial loss when I try to sell the usurped components when the new gear comes on to the market.What would you do. Thanks heaps to any an all contributors.

Showing 3 responses by sedond

upgrade your *preamp* if ya wanna improve the sound of digital software. i did so, & suddenly, my cheapie $500-retail nad 515 cd-changer is sonically comparable w/the highly-acclaimed $3k retail resolution-audio players. no meaningful differences, when run thru a melos music-director preamp. i was all-set to upgrade my cd-player after upgrading my preamp, but now, it's not worth it.

so, get a killer preamp & upgrade *all* yer system's sources, making redbook cd's paletable, while waiting-out the *suits*, as psjulian mentions. then, when ya *do* upgrade yer digital hardware, yule be able to plug it in to a top-notch preamp.

one person's opinion, doug s.

ears, i've heard sacd, & i agree w/ewe about its sonic improvements over cd - it's almost analogue-like! ;~) however, there's not enuff software presently awailable for me to entertain taking the plunge into the hardware. (mebbe if i was on to my 3rd custom home, i mite tink differently, tho!) i'm perfectly happy w/my winyl, & my cd-collection is quite small, so i'm ok w/this, too. i dint get into cd 'til only a few years ago, due to its sonic shortcomings, and i felt little hardship - i'm sure i can comfortably get by w/o a sacd player until it turns out (if it does) to be the next dominant digital medium.

regards, doug s.

hi jd - *my* only point is, that a retail $500 cd-player, when run thru a top-line preamp, sounds as good as the best cd-players out there - up to $3k, anyways. i'm not gonna (can't?) spend any more than that - even used - to buy a digital format, unless it crushes my present playback set-up & has a ton-o-software awailable. when those $2k sacd players can be had used for $1k, & significantly improve upon the sound of redbook cd over my current set-up, then i mite reconsider.

regards, doug s.

ps - forget the *sony* snob-stuff - it can say *yorx*, for all i care, if it sounds good, software's awailable, & i can afford it! :>)