Bob Carver LLC Black Beauty Review

If any of you GON members are interested in Bob Carver's new mono-block tube amps take a look at my review that was just posted on It's in the recent short review section on the front page. It was a very interesting experience to compare the Carver's performance with my Pass Labs XA-60.5's.
Teajay, I'd like to offer some, what I hope is, some constructive criticism. As a prospective buyer of this amplifier your review leaves me with a few unanswered questions. For example you listened to the amplifier and I'm left with this unanswered statement.

"Sonically, it is supposed to offer the midrange delicacy and body of the EL-34 tube with the extension, slam and control of the KT-88."

OK fine, did it or did it not offer the midrange delicacy and body?

"In the price bracket around $12,000 for tube-based power amplifiers, the major competitors would either be Audio Research Corporation Reference 150 Stereo Amp 9, valued at $12,995, or the Vacuum Tube Logic S-200 Stereo Amp, which is valued at $10,000. Both are new editions for each company. I have auditioned both companies' last generation of amps. In my opinion, the 305 Black Beauty Mono Blocks offer many of the strengths, the natural timbres, the ability to produce a large soundstage, have precise imaging and the capacity to drive all types of speakers that the other companies' amps deliver. However, because the Black Beauty 305s are mono blocks, they can be placed closer to the speakers to gain the advantage of shorter speaker wire length, along with each mono block having its own power supply."

Hear you mention amplifiers you haven't auditioned and supply the reader with a price comparison. Regardless of what model, its well known that ARC and VTL have strikingly different presentations. Its well established that ARC has a more analytical almost solid state presentation. Conrad Johnson is another established manufacture of products with a far more relaxed or glowing presentation. It could be said that VTL is generally somewhere in the middle. In your opinion where is the Carver in this mix? The ability to convey the degree of warmth, speed, and transparency by comparing commonly known presentations is the meat and potatoes of a successful review.

Unless it's just another ultra linear or pentode design in some silly exotic and expensive casework I find the technical description of a new product can be very interesting. So exactly what kind of amplifier is the Carver? Was there anybody else in on the design? What's the printed circuit board made of?
From Carver LLC
["These amplifiers offer extreme performance that is difficult to believe, and each amplifier features a high impedance input, an automatic DC restorer circuit, a set and forget it bias adjustment, and low idle current which greatly increases output tube life. They have ultra-wide bandwidth output transformers with interleaved windings capable of the most nuanced voice as well as huge peak output capacity. Selectable feedback control allows the user to change the sound of the amplifier from vintage classical to modern contemporary."]

It also has an attenuator so you can connect a source component directly to the amplifier.

Teajay, sorry to bust your bells but you are so not alone on this amp. I've read a few reviews and I still don't have a decent idea of what Bob Carver's amplifiers sound like.
Agee with Robert! Most people who "hate", have never owned one of his fine Signature amps or even heard them. Ignorance is abound!!
Bob Carver made flash-in-the-pan designs?

A lot of designers would like to have his resume.

I've owned several Carver products, including the huge amazing loudspeakers. Those speakers could do things few others could, when set up correctly. He also had some great entry level amps long before companies like Outlaw, Emotiva and Parasound were known.

03-26-12: Chashas1
I was hoping he had gone away for good. Guess he needs money.

Aah. Nothing so refreshing as an unsubstantiated cheap shot. And so rare in the world of audiophilia.

After all, what good could one say about a man who brought quality power to the masses, broke new ground in analog signal processing, and singlehandedly re-invented the powered subwoofer during a career spanning five decades?
Another nice review Teajay, good to hear that it didn't unseat your Pass amps, though I wasn't too worried that it would!
Hi offense. He always made flash in the pan designs...I used to hear hobbyist (some) speak reverently about him in the 80's, and I'd roll my eyes. It seemed he was always only a marketer, and never a designer of musical taste. Don't mention model #'s to me, or I'll show you a Bose Wave. lol
He's retired several times, only to come back yet again and again. I think this time to sell to the overseas market. Good for him.
The post by the OP just made me chuckle was all.
03-26-12: Chashas1
I was hoping he had gone away for good.
How did he offend you?
I own a set of these monoblocks. Got them on E-bay just before the holidays. I have been waiting for an online review to see what was the opinion of someone who has listened to many different tube amplifiers. This is basically my first experience with a tube amp so I really don't have a lot to compare with. They do sound a lot nicer then the McIntosh solid state amp I had before this. I really don't need all the power these things have and I am thinking about selling them.
Well, about time, for Carver to return to tubes. He finally got some 'tube religion', thank God.