Blind Power Cord Test & results

Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity teamed up with the Bay Area Audiophile Society (BAAS) to conduct a blind AC power cord test. Here is the url:

I suppose you can interpret these results to your follow your own point of view, but to me they reinforce my thoughts that aftermarket AC cords are "audiophile snakeoil"

Showing 3 responses by psychicanimal

Eldart, is not A vs B that's banned, it's DBT. It takes a while to live with something and learn its idiosincracies, though I can tell differences in A vs B comparisons pretty quickly. It's a matter of training the ear.

Albert is trying to explain to you some key aspects of this subject. Take the message and let the dove fly away...

Some people believe in psychic phenomena...

And some people are Psychic phenomena!!!

Joke aside, Eldart, don't confuse metaphysical with psychic...
Psychics don't have to guess numbers to be psychics. That would just be a game--and there are more important things to be done helping people.

You guys need to see a good clarvoyant psychic to find out what can he/she tell you...whether reading the cards, shells, tobacco smoke--you name it.

Whith psychic power and primal intensity,
