Biggest Live Miss 23 years ago today............

Today 23 years ago in Berlin the band I most regret never seeing live in their original form played their last ever gig.
Their name was Led Zeppelin.
What band or artist from any era do you most regret missing seeing live?

Showing 1 response by kennyt

OK, I wasn't old enough to make Woodstock, was supposed to see Led Zeppelin the year JB died, and the show obviously was cancelled, but the one I really kick myself for is Stevie Ray Vaughan. I had several chances to go see him, but there was always something else going on and I kept putting it off to the next tour......then he died.

Fatparrot, I saw the Guns and Roses riot in St Louis, worst show I ever saw, in fact we were leaving the show early, and on the way out, saw literally hundes of cop cars coming in....glad the show sucked and the tickets were free or I might have been there!