Biggest audio hoaxes

Often when people discuss audio, they talk about "snake oil" or "hoaxes."

It's pretty typical to use the term hoax as a tactic against another who disagrees with one, or holds an unusual opinion or vouches for something which has not been verified. That's not what I mean by a "hoax." 

By "hoax" I mean an audio product or claim which has been pretty definitively disproved. Maybe not to everyone's satisfaction, but to common consensus.

So -- with that definition of hoax in mind, what are some of the biggest audiophile hoaxes you've heard of?

Showing 1 response by mammothguy54

@sokogear  has it right.  I tried a Symposium Acoustics Segue ISO platform and rollerblocks for my turntable and was astonished at the improvement.  I have since added rollerblocks for all of my electronic components and also got their Foundation Rack Ultra.  For my new amp on order (should arrive in a few weeks) I also ordered their Ultra Pro Ampstand, Stealth.  Vibration drainage, which is taking the vibration problem out from the component, is THE way to go.  No hoax at all, it works very well.