Best speaker/system piano concerts


I enjoy many type of music but am a big fan of piano concerts. I’ve been to Hifi shows before but often find the music that they are playing not to my taste. 

Does anyone have recommendations for a speaker and amplifier that would be great to reproduce big piano plays realistically? I don’t think it’s easy for a system to have the speed and weight that the piano produces.

Would say speakers that are around 20-25k second hand and amps of 10-15k used

Looking forward to your suggestions.


Showing 1 response by noble100

"Large Magneplanar speakers and a Pass X350.8 should give you the power and scale you seek."

     Plus one for dweller's recommendation.  You may want to audition with and without a good tube preamp to best tailor the sound to your speciific tastes.
     Both the new and used 3.x and 20.x Magnepans are excellent for life-like piano reproduction but may not produce the ultimate in powerful and dynamic bass.
     If you prefer state of the art from top to bottom, add this if you have the room:

     With your large budget, you can afford the extra $2,500 and create a world class system.  I honestly don't know of a system that would sound better.  If I could afford it, this is definitely what I would purchase.

Best wishes,