Best Private Retreat Using Closed Headphones

To avoid competing with other distractions around the house, I am reconsidering the use of headphones.

For years, I have had a few pairs and headphone amps around: Etymotics, Grados, and Sennheiser 580's to name a few, but rarely used any of them.

I don't like the claustrophic, inside my head feel of the in ear designs, other than maybe on airplanes or my motorbike where I sometimes listen to books on tape.

And I notice that with open phones, they get much louder from the outside than I would like. I don't want to distract anyone, or broadcast whatever I am listening to.

Are there any audiophile, closed headphones that you have tried? Would these permit a bit of escape without bothering or waking anyone else?

Thanks for thoughts.

Showing 1 response by almarg

Or, there are two AT versions - one open and one closed - which differ only by a letter or two in the model number.
The comparable closed model appears to be the ATH-A700.

The main spec differences relative to the ATH-AD700 appear to be that the closed model has slightly greater sensitivity, higher impedance, greater extension in the ultrasonic region, and different cable materials. I have no experience with either model.

I would second the suggestions, though, that you consider the Sony MDR-7506. It is a headphone of choice among many professional videographers, among other applications. See the many user comments on it at B&H's site.
I have a pair which I use for non-critical purposes, primarily amateur videography and voice recording, and I've been very pleased. I haven't tried them in my main system, though.

-- Al