Best power amp for Avalon Opus Ceramique

Trying to downsize my system to a speaker/power-amp/ cd-player set-up (with digital volume control e.g. Wadia 581, Audio Aero Prestige or EMM Labs).
Which power amp (ss or tube) in the range 5k-10k is recommended to use with Avalon ?
Will ICE powerd amps like BelCanto, JRDG or NuForce work as well ?

Showing 2 responses by jond

If you want to use an ICE power amp why not just use Kharma's own monoblocs? I'm pretty sure they're digital and you would think they'd be designed to match, right? Happy listening!!
Woops I feel like a complete idiot! I just saw Ceramique and my mind filled in Kharma, rather than reading Avalon. Sorry about that, please disregard my meaningless suggestion!