Best current footers for preamps?

To isolate unit from any table/support vibration?

Showing 3 responses by audioman58

I have a  custom Vacuum tube Direct Heated Triode Preamplifier and I use the Tall Soft Tender feet 
And they work great with detail and focus with fast tight bass .
Thd other guy that likes thd stock feet maybe should have used the Tall firm footers. Also as was told to me before securing the feet try different locations 
Like under transfotmers and power supplies those usually are the most 
Effective areas.
If You can afford it this is one of Technologies Best !!
You have heard of Mag Lev Magnetic energy to Levitate.
I just may buy one for my Vacuum tube pre amplifier
Check this out,
My brother has had 2 in his system for several months now.
One for his dac,thd other his DHT tube preamp.
We compared to my other per items and his still points.
This Maglev aRe  far better then anything out there.the low level detail and separation noticeably better,as well as soundstage image depth.
The only limitation is the 55-60 lb max weight. They may make for bigger amps 
Now possibly.