Bad sound from new ATC SCM19s

New SCM19s in the house, matched with Pass amplification, and an Auralic Vega straight in to amp with software volume control. Triode Wire Labs interconnect from DAC to amp. Audience AU24SE speaker cables. The sound is generally horrid. Grainy, ragged and rough with all but the best recordings. Yes these speakers are revealing but does that mean that only 25% of recordings sound good? At the dealer they were matched with Naim electronics and sounded super smooth. Pass is no slouch in this regard either. Thinking the cabling may be a factor and will try swapping in a few new ones. Dealer says more break-in needed, but another owner says break-in should not be much of a factor. Somebody else said it's a bad room interaction, but I somehow doubt this. This same set-up with my Revel speakers worked fine. Any thoughts? Thanks.

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I doubt very much if the amp is the problem....  bring the speakers to your dealer and compare them to the speakers you heard and liked.  I also don't think its a break-in issue.  Break-in time doesn't change anything dramatically...just makes it all work better.