B&W 800D or Sonus Faber Futuras

Considering these two speakers, has anyone heard and compared them in the past? I currently have a McIntosh C50 pre and MC452 amp.

Showing 1 response by vhiner

They are *very* different speakers. The 800's are great at dynamics, bass
slam and are quite balanced across the spectrum. With the right
electronics, they can almost disappear. The Sonus Fabers are very liquid
sounding and are great at presenting stringed instruments. They are a bit
more "civilized and polite" IMHO. Both are fine speakers, but I
prefer the 800 D's because I listen to a bit of everything when it comes to
music and the B&W's are a bit more versatile. Paired with Classe's latest
amplifiers, which are used to voice the speakers, real magic is possible.
I've never heard them with Mac gear, but I imagine it could be a good