Audioweb/ What a bear

I'm sure some of you use 'Audioweb' to search for equiptment. I just went there finally, and is it me or is that site a 'bear' to navigate.

Compared to 'Audiogon' they have a lot of work to do to make that site, user friendly. :(

I never was able to get to the 'used loudspeaker' page. 'Used equiptment' but not just, 'used loudspeakers'.

Showing 1 response by finfinder

Steve, you can get to the used speaker page by first going to preowned equip then catagory then loudspeaker.

Once you get there the other pain of the matter is that you have to keep clicking 'next page' instead of just scrolling along like you do on Agon. It's not a particularly user friendly design comparatively speaking.
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