Audioprism "Quiet Line" experience

Does anyone have any experience with the Audioprism "Quiet- Line" devices. Do they significantly improve sound and suppress noise? Are they worth the money? My system seems pretty quiet to me now, I am not aware of any noise problem. Can I purchase one to try it out and realize significant improvements? Is four enough? Are eight overkill? A detailed description of just how your sound has improved by using "Quiet-Line" devices would really be appreciated. Thanks

Showing 1 response by bday0000

I was having problems with RFI from a hallogen lamp with a built-in dimmer switch. It was plugged into to a switched outlet. I borrowed a few Quiet Lines from my dealer and plugged them in. No difference. I then replaced the light switch on the wall with a dimmer switch and turned the lamp on high, using the new wall switch to dim the light. The noise disappeared (Quiet Lines were/are no longer in use).