Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?

My answer to this question is yes. Linear tracking arms trace the record exactly the way it was cut. Pivoted arms generally have two null points across the record and they are the only two points the geometry is correct. All other points on the record have a degree of error with pivoted arms. Linear tracking arms don't need anti-skating like pivoted arms do which is another plus for them.

Linear tracking arms take more skill to set up initially, but I feel they reward the owner with superior sound quality. I have owned and used a variety of pivoted arms over the years, but I feel that my ET-2 is superior sounding to all of them. You can set up a pivoted arm incorrectly and it will still play music. Linear tracking arms pretty much force you to have everything correct or else they will not play. Are they worth the fuss? I think so.

Showing 1 response by decibelcat

I'm sorry that i didn't comment on this thread at an earlier date but I just now found it.

One thing that was not mentioned in any of the comments about the ET 2 arm is that the counterweight is decoupled via a leaf spring so its effective mass is lessened in the horizontal plane. This would lessen any of the destructive forces placed upon the stylus cantilever. I do not know of any other linear tracking arm that has this feature.

How this works is nicely explained in the ET 2 instruction manual. I hope those of you who have owned this arm took the time to thoroughly read this well written and informative book.