ARC CD-2, dac or player upgrade?

I've had an ARC CD-2 for years and although it is a very nice player, I was wondering whether an inexpensive newer dac or even a newer player altogether would be an improvement. Is there anything out there for <<$1000 new or used that would beat the ARC player? I would even consider a mod at this point. Thanks for your input.

Showing 1 response by brauser

I have an ARC-CD2 and I recently purchased and then sold a well known 'value priced' CD Player. The ARC 2 once again held it's ground. I know that the CD-2 is an older design, but it is so very musical. If you have some money to put into your system, upgrade anything/everything else before messing with the CD-2. Or at least wait until you can upgrade to a CD-3 II would be my (humble) advice.