Anyone heard Underwood level1 3910 mod?

Has anyone heard the underwood mods? I am looking at getting a 3910 modded but I don't have another 2K to spend on a API etc. Underwood says $650.00 for their work.


Showing 3 responses by dsremer

Underwood(parts connection) does nice mods, I have a modded Shandling which sounds great. I bought a 3910 from HRAM(Verastar) This unit has a clock upgrade front 3 channels and 2 channel (cd) upgrades I am very happy with both the above modded units.
As far as reaching HRAM for info call Mike at 777-433-9434
he will be glad to take to you about what mods he is offering on the 3910
What I have found in 6922 tube rolling is that siemens top to bottom are the most detailed, telefunken the most neutral, amprex very nice mids and base, mullards are a warm tube if your system tends to be bright a good option but perhaps not as detailed as the others.