Anybody have a problem buying modded units.

I was looking at a modded unit here on Audiogon, and i ultimately decided not to buy it. Firstly, the seller couldn't describe what the mods were and only said that "it blew me away", and secondly, a sense that they are hard to resll. What do people think?


Showing 3 responses by jayctoy

SdCampbell,obviously you have not own a good modded
cd player,they dont sound diferrent they are musical.
,I like my SonyModwrightDVP9000es than a DV50 Esoteric.
They also sell quickly like Boa2 said.
David probably the seller got too excited,or maybe
lost the paperwork of the player.I think you are not
sold with Mod,you did not tried enough.Why would you
need a mod? When you already have the Meitner, one of the
I did not think of the resale value also, all I care
is to bring a good music to my room.
David if you want a taste of cd mod, I am willing to
bring my SonyModwright to your house and we can listen.
In this case you dont need to think about resale value.
I live close to you.There you can judge if my SonyMod
is worth the money I paid for the mod.
Grant the same with DanWright,Modwright, you get
a copy of what was done.I believe most of the
modders do the same.