Any Michael Buble fans here?

Been wearing out "It's time". One of our favorite CD's right now to just hang out and relax/listen to. With a 6 month old I don't get much time in the sweet spot but it's a well recorded, fun album that I bet some of you guys might like?

Showing 1 response by sugarbrie

I saw the movie "Down With Love" and liked his singing the soundtrack while watching the movie.

But I am with Hodie otherwise. I tried to listen to one of his CD's and I just can't quite get there. Like Hodie, not sure why. There is something missing.

Hodie did make a good companion list. It is really all those concerts on PBS. None of them are great singers or musicians (like Yani). It is all performance and effect (like a music theme park).

The 3 tenors can really sing, but what they do in those PBS concerts is really poor singing. They just scream like hell with way over the top vibrato. It is sad to me that they did those concerts. The public at large now thinks that what they heard is what great opera singing is.... NOT.... But I guess for them (the 3 tenors) the money is good....

Don't feel bad Matti. All that really matters is that you like it. What do we know anyway.....