Amp Stands?

I notice when Im looking At amps for sale some people put them on a wood or some sort of stone platform like marble. Why Is this? I also notice people putting speakers on platforms as well. Is there any difference In sound when this Is done with equipment or Is this a lot of snake oil.

Showing 1 response by mjw55

Not to mention "Bass Suck' when you leave your speakers on the floor. I can't tell you how many times I have gone over to "non-audiophile" friends homes and after a short discussion we put their speakers up on a stack of quarters (4 or 5 under each corner) or small cups, even paper back books about an inch in, diagonally across the corners of the speaker works well.
They are "blown away" by "how much better my speakers now sound".
The next time I go over, they usually have gone out and bought some stands.