Amp / Preamp Suggestions Wanted

I'm putting a second (budget) system together, and I am considering the following units: 1)Preamps - Krell PAM5, Bryston BP-20, Adcom GFP-750; 2)Amps - Bryston 3B-NRB/THX, Counterpoint Solid 1A, Marsh a200S. Pairing the prospective units with Adcom GCD-575/GDA-600 and Paradigm Reference Studio 40v2. I would welcome feedback on the above units, and alternative suggestions within the same price point. Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by hedgehog

Thanks, for the input, Tim. I am leaning toward the Krell preamp, as it is available at a fair price and I haven't ventured in Krell's direction as of yet. I intend to use DH Labs interconnects and will bi-wire the speaks with same.
Well, I've got the power amp part of the equation put together...McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe. Just missed on a TLC-1 passive preamp, but I'll keep looking for one (or something else).

BTW, the GDA-600 is VERY underrated...
Decided on a used McCormack Deluxe Line Drive...shipping it off to SMcAudio for upgrading.