amarra or pure music..?

I already use both (on my g5 power mac + dcs debussy), amarra mini and pure music.
I am not sure wich of both is the better sounding sw, they sound slightly different.
pure music, with memory player on, is a little smoother, amrra a little more definite..

Your experiences..?

Thank u..

Ps. pure meusic is not perfectly stabile,. also in the last release. they are sometimes clicks... and the program crased down, saltuary.

Showing 1 response by drubin

There's also BitPerfect, which is downloadable for the Mac from Apple's App Store. $5. It's the most minimalist of all of these and works behind the scenes very reliably as you use iTunes to control your music. Switches between sample rates (an essential reason to have one of these players being discussed, since iTunes won't do this properly), supports integer mode capable DACs, and offers choices around upsampling (or not).