Alternatives to Pass Labs

Pass Labs are great amps but are expensive too. Are there any other good amps (stereo and or multi-channel) that are as great sounding as the pass labs products but not as expensive? I had an (borrowed from a friend) an Aleph 3 and I felt that the Aleph was on SS(solid state) amp closest to the tube sound but at the same time retaining the SS features.

Showing 1 response by sm2727

Nelson Pass worked for a company called N.E.W. They are out of business, but they were a tremendous value. Class A operation, push-pull bi-polar amps. They had a ten watt, twenty and a sixty I believe. They also had a battery operated dc amp at 60 watts. I've had all but the latest pass amps and love them all. For my set-up I ended going back to the Aleph series. Pass is a great amp, but the NEW amps are not far behind. Especially if you are in the lower watt range...the push-pull NEW will give a better bass response at the very bottom. The alephs need to be run at almost full volume and they will still miss that last bottom end. I've always used a subwoofer with mine. You may also look at the
threshold line although tey aren't cheap or small. Good Luck.