Allnic Verito Z:Owners and those familiar

Am considering the purchase of this cartridge.My funds have been delayed and thus the purchase.
I have looked for reviews,but there are only comments.
Can anyone contrast/compare this against some known quantity.I'm hoping that the few members ,who own this will comment and relay their experiences.
Thanks in advance-Tom
Dear Matt: You are right audio is not " simple " and I don't mean in that plain sense but: imagine that you pay 2.8K ( big money ) for an audio item where no one knows that to perform good you have to add those ebony " devices " , I'm sorry but this is crazy.
You say you try a XV-1 well this cartridge perform good in almost any environment, yes it could perform better with some tonearms than with other ones but in general you almost always have a good performance. You don't have to be a " fortune-teller " to find out its real performance.

Now, many of you already put those 2.8K on it so you have to live with till you find something better or something that you like it better.

Now, I'm not questioning that you like it ( and other people too: owners. ) at the end of the day what I say is not important as certainly is what you say/think when you are who must live with.

It is always difficult not to have a controversy on subjects like the one here where exist so many different parameters/stages to make a statements on a cartridge ( any ), in this case more complex due to those singular " characteristics " for a good matching tonearm and build material on direct contact with the cartridge.

Anyway, I think that everyone of us are looking for the " best " sound reproduction performance through our analog rig and if you think that the Verito was the right way to achieve that's fine.

I add that for all of us, including Tom, this controversy can open " new " alternatives like the one I linked. Why we try with " new " cartrridges? why we buy new and different cartridges? what are we looking for with all those cartridge, tonearm or TT changes?: I assume a improvement in our system quality performance, well the Verito can't give me that desired improvement but the B&O in the link can and did in a wide manner.

Maybe I'm wrong but this is the way I " feel " and the way the audio experiences made my way of thinking.

I respect any single opinion in this forum and learn from any single one, this is part of my audio experiences.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I have had two lengthy conversations with two different Allnic dealers.Both have had comparable experiences with the same cartridges that I have used in the past.Even discussing associated gear,we appear to be on the same page.They have stated that "if I were to compare this to a PC-1,I might find it less "refined".This I am willing to accept at 1/2 the cost.
I will be using this in the OL Encounter III,so I suspect that the "shim" might be required.Does anyone know if Allnic will supply these???
I had given Lloyd Walker a call on Friday.He said that he had the Verito there to audition.I will speak with him again on Monday and relay his comments.
I thank everyone for their contributions and I believe this cartridge is still in the running to fill the Ecos place in my system.
Dear Matt: Maybe the differences in our each one opinion on the subject is biased for our each one refrence today standards on quality performance.

Mine already changed in the last few months thank's to " new " cartridge alternatives. Today my standards on this area are not only different of what I had but with higher quality.

I don't like to be " steady " and conform with " more of the same " because IMHO I think that we have to help to the music reproduction trying to improve every single day what we are accustom to. Some one says that " evolution " is part of the name of the game and I agree with.

But " evolution " is different for each one and not because each one of us are different as a " whole " but because each one of us are at different step on the audio learning curve " ladder ".
What for you today is great certainly " tomorrow " will be only ok. In the same manner what for Tom is poor today maybe for me is ok and not because one of each is wrong: NO it is only that we are at different level in the audio learning curve and maybe too because some people are more " tolerant" with the audio devices/links than others.

IMHO this " tolerant " diferent range level is what in some way preclude that our lovely hobby grow up and improve faster and the Verito is a good example of this subject ( like many other audio items. ), let me explain a little about:

in USA the people is very exigent in its everyday " services " that they receive: restaurants, what we buy on different kind of stores or supermarkets, how the employees in any store treat us, how we claim for a warranty service in any goods including our cars, etc, etc. ALMOST ALL OF YOU ARE NOT COMPLACENCY WITH WHAT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO RECEIVE IN CHANGE FOR WHAT YOU PAY but in Audio your attitude is totaly different you pay big money for products like the Verito with out compliant about, maybe next time you will buy an audio item where to that item achieve a decent quality performance you have to find a " little sheet of paper coming for and only from Nepal " ( dramatization. ) where you have to have on hand to hear that audio item.

This " weird " attitude preclude/stop that the designers/builders/manufacturers/distributors be better. Why all of them have to improve when we customers " hold out " everything: we pay with out any compliant and with a " lamb " attitude.

I always ask: WHY? and I don't have a precise answer about.

IMHO the whole Audio Industry grow up for the better at the time that we IMPROVE like CUSTOMERS every single day and not because we need better audio designers.
Today we have what we deserve due to our " lamb " attitude. I invite you to change!!

regards and enjoy the music,
Forgive me,BUT I would prefer that NO one stand on a soapbox and proclaim that they are the Messiah>Monty Python hit the nail:"He is the Messiah and I should know,I've followed a few"
If you do or don't like a product>>please state your view and the reasons,then let it stand on its' own.
I feel it serves ABSOLUTELY NO PURPOSE to turn an inquizative thread into a back-n-forth banter
We all need to remember that :We reap what we sow.
Gentlemen>>Lets remain civil.If we can't accomplish this than we will all lose out and the forums will become as useful as spent toilet tissue.
I have no control over my thread,but I would respectfully ask that this behavior cease.
Sometimes a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.Many designs that I have contributed to have lost their direction,due to a horse with blinders on mentality.They appear to focus on a single aspect and believe they have reached nirvana.Only to have the product rejected by the "community" as a whole.

I take offene at the comments concerning We Americans and our lamb mentality.It is possible that you have not been taken advantage of,spent a year while fingers were pointed between a dealer (Hudson Audio) and an importer(Audio Advancements),and finally by the manufacturer,who felt I was not being honest about the troubles WE Americans were experiencing with their representation.
I bought a cartridge ,represented as new and within a year that units' cantilever collapsed,taking out a coil.
I really thought it was something I had done.It was not.I spent considerable monies to have my analog front-end checked for DC volts and shorts.None were found.
Then to finally be offered "to be taken care of",if I were to retract my statements made to JA.
My admiration of the performance of said cartridge,drove me to furnish a retraction against my better judgement>The importer then turned around and "cleared" himself by sending it to JA.Then he promptly turned around and dropped it back in my lap.The stated repair would run $1050 ,plus $200 shipping.
I refused to spend $1350 (it cost me $112 to get the cartridge to JA),plus the $1700 to restore the cartridge.
I ask,would anyone buy a $2K cartridge for over $3K?It is obvious to me that a cartridge rated for 10K hours,has been used extensively to collapse during the first year of use (I may listen to 3-4 sides of an LP,3-4 times a week).
I might have spent even more money chasing people around and going to court to try and resolve this.That is not how I wish to spend my time.In talking with several dealer (on various carts),I find that both have left dealers holding a lot of useless gear and misrepresented product that the consumer is now stuck with.
When you have had this kind of experience,YOU will certainly want to know who is behind the products you wish to include in your beloved system.
The Industry and its's representive persons have changed over the years here in the US,maybe due to OUR throw away society.This is no excuse for the way music lovers are treated when the issue of a "warranty" must finally be executed.Many Warranties (a piece of paper or a notation on a website) are only as good as those who stand behind them.When you deal with a bean-counter,you will always lose-it is strictly a matter of money (think "Fight Club",where Ed Norton is explaining when a company will do a re-call to the passenger next to him on a plane).
I don't know what to say any further.If you can display compassion for fellow human beings,my hat goes off to you.