Albert Porters after market panzerholz plinths

I would like to hear from anyone that has purchased a panzerholz plinth from Porter Audio or a panzerholz DIY project.
Reading through all that I could find on this subject it's obvious Mr. Porter did his home work on his design.
My question to those of you whom refurbished, replinth and rearmed some of these direct drives has it advanced analog playback for you?


Showing 1 response by peterayer

The Walker/Technics test seems like it was one front end versus another front end and the group preferred one over the other. How is that invalid? They were not comparing arm vs. arm, or cart vs. cart, or table vs, table which would have been very difficult or impossible. I haven't read anything about the cables or phono amps used. The only conclusion I can draw from that test is that during those sessions, that group of experienced music lovers preferred one front end over the other. I don't even think it would be correct to deduce that the drive systems (DD vs belt) made the most difference in the test.

It would be interesting to hear from more people who have tried their DD tables with a solid plinth and then without one.