Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference?

Candidate 1: Affordable at about 3K


Candidate 2: Ultra expensive at 50K.


So what's the difference?


Showing 3 responses by jjss49

i think it is worth clarifying one important point

diminishing returns does not mean lack of or negative returns

it means as you spend more tranches of the same amount of money (call it $1000 each time), you get a declining degree of positive benefit (in this case, better sound) for each additional $1000 spent - but you still DO GET MORE benefit

said another way, in a world of diminishing returns, so long as it is spent with proper knowledge and insight in the aim to improve, spending more gets you more of what you want

and thus, the controlling idea here is more about how many more $1000 you are willing and able to spend, versus whether those additional thousands will get you further in your pursuit of what you desire...

any competent business person takes into account fixed cost/one time expenditures to create/develop a product for sale, and how such costs relate to the anticipated sales volume of said product - failure to do so is financial malpractice

that is not say that all folks in the hifi business are always competent at business... the shores are littered with the bodies of the legions whom are not...