Advantages of beryllium?

Can someone please explain the advantages of beryllium drivers over titanium or aluminum?

Also, how concerning are health risks associated with beryllium?

many thanks for your input. 

Showing 3 responses by randy-11

beryllium is 1/3 lighter than aluminum yet 6x the specific stiffness of steel

IIRC, it outclasses Ti in that way - dunno re stress cracking but the newest Ti alloys are better than their reputation

the dust is highly toxic - ask Porsche who used them - briefly - on brake components of some race cars

might be fun to see if the German govt. allows Be in speakers - you can get away with putting toxic liquids in cables in Canada and importing them into the US though
shadorne, I dunno if what they say is accurate but it does seem to be a  pretty good summary - I'm not a dome kinda guy (Maggies) - tho if someone offered me a free pair of Sonus Faber Aida's I could be persuaded to switch.