Accuracy vs. musicality

I imagine if you have an unlimited budget you can have both ultimate accuracy and musicality.
For those of us whose budget is somewhat limited, we usually have to make a choice.
I very recently obtained  speakers (which I prefer not to name so as to avoid debate.  Some of you do know them.) These speakers were criticized by an Agoner for not being accurate.
Now, I heard the speakers he liked better and they we’re fine, and maybe more “etched,” but they did not convey the musical message as well to me.  Indeed I compared many such speakers recommended by members (there was little love for mine) and I found them not to have the sound I hear in a concert hall. They did not communicate to me as well.
So, what’s more important: precise accuracy or musicality?

Showing 1 response by moto_man

And there you have it in a nutshell.  No matter what the "reviews" say, or other people that have heard a system, ultimately we all hear things differently.  Some of it is biological -- hearing is not uniform among all people, some is environmental -- such as the synergy between components and the room, and some of it is just preference.  That is why it is so difficult to buy components, and especially speakers, without hearing them in your own system.  One person's "musical" system might be another person's "bloated" inaccurate one.  If I purchase another pair of speakers, I am going to go to NYC, where I can actually listen to the speakers that I am interested in rather than rely on comments and reviews!  That being said, my equipment is for listening to music, not to see how close to the source signal it is.  Musicality beats accuracy to my old(er) too-many-Led-Zeppelin-concerts ears!