Access/Use Restrictions-Listening Room

As I was in the listening room, cleaning this morning, I thought of this idea for a thread.

Do you have any restricted access/use rules for your listening room?

We have only ONE *no house cleaners*

And before you get too huffy, like we're rich or something and have FiFi, the upstairs maid here everyday…. We're not and we don't, even though my husband would probably be open to that idea. :-)

We have them come in 2X/month to do the heavy cleaning - floors, baths, ovens, etc. It's well worth the few bucks they charge to have that time back in our busy lives.

*Tip for you husbands - would make a most excellent present to your wife. (and do it for no reason, don't wait for a birthday or anything). Guaranteed to get lots of mileage out of that one.*

Anyway, we made that decision when they were here once (I was working at home that day) and they bumped one of the Apogee Stages, knocking it off the stand flat on it's face - WHAM!) In the process, yanking the amp off the stand (that IC just made it) and bending one of the posts. As she stood there, thinking no big deal, I was freaking out! Luckily, no harm done. But lesson learned; these folks have no clue about how to behave around expensive gear and the thought of a vacuum cleaner bumping the speakers THEN trying to put it back so no one would know…… we come home, turn it on - POOF !

So……….guess who gets to clean it? At least we know everything will be ok afterwards.

Showing 1 response by fpeel

Having anything that's too easily tipped over wouldn't work here in CA. First decent earthquake and it'd go flying. For similar reasons to Angela's I've had house cleaners. It's not that expensive and frees up some time. For safety's sake I use private parties. With a cleaning service it could be almost anyone; with an individual it's always the same person. On day one the cleaner gets a full run down of the "Do Not Touch" items. They seem to like that there are things that will be cleaned before they arrive. Probably takes some stress off them. So far, so good.

The rules for guests vary with the audience and have evolved with the gear and time, but here's the long version:

Bring music to play. The more variety the better.

Please don't turn knobs or push buttons. If you want something just ask. I shudder to think what would happen were someone to spin my "flywheel" volume knob.

Please don't set *anything* on the speakers or equipment rack. Seems like there's always someone who wants to use the speakers as a drink stand.

Don't move stuff. A friend was interested in how heavy my speakers were, so picked one up. He was not impressed when I told him it had been accurately placed to within a fraction of an inch and now had to be reset.

Which brings up one of the most important. Remember that Frank is very anal retentive about his stereo.

It's not likely they'll forget that last one. Don't I wish. For Xmas a couple of years ago one of them bought me a sweatshirt that read in bold letters "Is anal retentive hyphenated?" My response? "Of course not. Otherwise I wouldn't wear it!"