Absolute must see at CES this year?

What rooms will be on your absolute must see at CES this year?

Showing 3 responses by gunbei

Mr. Albertporter, you are a true gentleman! Hahhh!

Devon, that Galatea must be sweet! I'm a happy BC21 owner.
Hey Devon,

Gilbert Yeung is both talented and creative, which not surprisingly is often accompanied by a sense of humor. Remember this is the guy that brought us the purse preamp and high heel pump monoblocks, heheh.

When I entered the Blue Circle room last January, I didn't hear the usual drone of audiophile showcase music. Gilbert was playing Hawaiian music through a BC21.1 preamp mated with a BC28 hybrid amp. And rather than the stereotypical, pompous, polo-shirt-wearing, audio-snob, I found a goofy, self-effacing, Broderick Crawford Highway Patrol style hat wearing guy who really loves what he does.

I spent more time in that room shootin' the sheeot with Gilbert and Kevin Allen of Harmonia Audio than any other place in Vegas that weekend. And that even included visiting Christy Canyon!

I'll definitely visit the Totem room too. Good sound and if that striking brunette keeps kneeling in front of me and adjusting the knobs on the equipment while I'm camped in the listening chair I'll be there too.