12au7 tube questions

I am looking for a 12au7 that is DARK, WARM and RICH yet still staying DEATILED. What would be my tube I have had some hints that the raytheon black plate has these characteristics, what tubes or tube does this. My amp is an ASL 1003 DT. It is a class A amp. Thanks

Showing 1 response by stuartbranson

Though maybe not what I would call dark, the best 12au7 I have come across is the Philips Miniwatt 7316 variety. Beautifully detailed without tipping towards the slightly harder edgier Telefunkens or oppositely to the mushy Mullard. Most others I tried fell in between. The 7316 seemed to have strengths of all others I tried without the detriments. They aren't the easiest to find and aren't cheap for a good pair but they are by far the best IMHO.